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A History of the S.A.D.W.F.C 1980-2001 - |
Posted by zaphod |
04/06/2005 |
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» A History of the S....
» A History of the S....
» A History of the S....
» Past Committees:
Some of the items organised were: special interviews with Peter Davison (the current Doctor at the time), Jon Pertwee, Janet Fielding (current conpanion), Katy Manning (which Brian Alford and Athol Jackson [from SASTREK] had taped when they flew over to Katy Manning's home in Sydney.
Other segments at 'Conpanion' were; a mastermind quiz, Doctor Whodunnit, Jo Grant - This is your Life, a slide show of the Tom Baker era (as well as Hartnell and Troughton). Stories shown were 'The Deadly Assassin', 'The Krotons', 'An Unearthly Child', 'Spearhead from Space', 'The 3 Doctors', and the first screening in Australia of the Doctor Who spin-off, K9 and Company.
Other events at the convention included a fancy dress parade, a disco(popular back then), a play called 'Holocaust 2000', Katy Manning's personal scrap books and displays of a full size TARDIS and consold, K9 and Dalek. The TARDIS console was built by the committee especially for the convention. The convention caused a surge in membership, with the Club having almost 150 members by the end of 1983, and almost 200 by the end of 1984.
The club's Dalek was bought from Tasmania in late 1982, and was modified by installing a car battery which operated a drive mechanism enabli8ng someone to sit in it and drive it around Also installed was a Dalek voice demodulator which synthesized a person's voice to sound like a Dalek. Unfortunately in the proceding years, the Dalek fell into disrepair, including its electrical installations being removed.
As well as CHAMELEON FACTOR, the Club decided to produce a yearbook which was to be brought out at the end of each year, which would be a fanzine full of members contributions. The yearbook was called 'Jethric', and three editions were published, one in 1982, 1983 and 1991. Unfortunately 'Jethric' was not published on an annual basis due to a lack of contributions from members.
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