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A History of the S.A.D.W.F.C 1980-2001 - |
Posted by zaphod |
04/06/2005 |
» A History of the S....
» A History of the S....
» A History of the S....
» A History of the S....
» A History of the S....
» A History of the S....
» A History of the S....
» A History of the S....
» A History of the S....
» A History of the S....
» Past Committees:
The South Australian Doctor Who Fan Club was founded on 1st of June 1980 by Brian Alford.
Brian was President of The South Australian Star Trek Fan Club, and during this time he discovered a lot of people who enjoyed Star Trek were also avid Doctor Who fans. Brian and his wife Elaine decided to start their own Doctor Who fan club, and incorporate many of the basic concepts used in SASTREK.
Brian ran the club on his own for a year assisted by a number of SASTREK members, building up the membership to about 50, enough to elect a committee. In the inaugural year he produced five newsletters and organized four meetings to be held at the Theosophical Hall, 338 King William Street, Adelaide, with $1 as the entrance fee. The meetings were held from 2pm through to 5pm. At these first meetings it was not uncommon for 150 people to attend.
The first official non-meeting event for 1980 was held over the weekend of 11-13th of
October at the science fiction convention 'Triblecon', where advertising material, speeches, panels and merchandise was organised by Brian Alford. On November 23rd, 1980, in conjunction with the ABC - Adelaide the Club attended a promotional event at the Parks Community Centre, which rose the Club's membership dramatically.
In June 1981 the first committee was elected with Brian Alford as President, his wife Elaine as Secretary, Paul Snarskis as Treasurer, and Alan Hosie, Grant Hittingham, Barbara Medhurst, Carole Gibbs, Nick Baloglou and Derek Norton as committee members. At that meeting the club's constitution was voted on and accepted, which the Club is still run by today, with only a few minor alterations. The committee was formed at "The Black Hole bookshop" which no longer exists today.
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