what do people think about show blue death on TV?
I think we should get a good copy of it and see if we can get it shown on ACE TV.
If there are any more home made films bring them to the club and we might show them.
Mine are not suitable for a viewing audience under the age of 105.
I am sure there are some strange people who want to watch it. but they have to get a day pass.
A day pass and the removal of their obits, not even I would want to watch.Remember the 60's and all that back hair, front hair and facial hair?
hair baby, yeah baby every hair mamma
even some neck hair.
let's not go there....
go where no (wo)man is willing to go before!!
npthing a wipper snipper and a hedge prewners cant fix
I think decapitation would be easier. Less mess to clean up.
it is to messy, try throwing them down a hole and filling it up with cement.
Why don't we just locate ourselves a hit sheep-shearer (as opposed to a hit-man), shouldn't cost much.
do you suggest a drive-by shaving.
I prefer a drive by waxing, momentum helps to get out those stubborn hairs.
That would involve driving by twice once for application and the secong to remove strip. but yes it does sound like fun..
No, tag team. One car to wax on and one car to wax off.
That would be a cool sceen from Karate Kid 5. wax on wax off. then hear the scream.