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Subject:  Re: great new meeting for Sci/Fi Fans

12/05/2009 23:12 GMT

Timetraveller :

I guess it will be a case of 'spot the newbie' when I decide to pop in Maybe I should wear a disguise so I won't stand out

About the only way a newbie would stand out if they are Naked.

Feel free if you want to, but it is not compulsory. 


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Subject:  Re: great new meeting for Sci/Fi Fans

14/05/2009 11:25 GMT


What time do most people turn up? Do they rock up early or wander in 'dribs and drabs', whenever? I imagine that the young ones get there early and the more mature much later in the night...I don't wanna end up talking to myself   

- - - -

"The new guy's ok, but David will always be THE DOCTOR!!!!"

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Subject:  Re: great new meeting for Sci/Fi Fans

14/05/2009 13:32 GMT

At 3pm Muggins shows up, usually directly from one of his whirlwind of activities he gets up to, the social butterfly. There is a dribs and drabs effect over the next hour, which usually coincides with the first activity (those who gets there first gets to choose). It maxes out around six when people decide what they want for a meal, then incorporates a staggered excursion for the purposes of keeping the door open. Juveniles tend to leave and not return (indeed some for ever!) at break, then the evening belongs to the adults.

And that's a meeting. There's some swaps of new acquisitions and even gifts (I've been blessed over the years), handouts of our latest publications and a table where received and reciprocal fanzines are read.

It may not sound like much to the average homo sapians but it's made a difference in my life over the years. Recently someone went to the UK and I nominated "Forbidden Planet" as an awe inspiring destination. Company present didn't have to ask "What's that?". Nice.


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Subject:  Re: great new meeting for Sci/Fi Fans

15/05/2009 04:29 GMT

Thanks for your detailed and rather humorous account Martin

I just told my Pommie friend about the club,and she's eager to check it out next month when she gets back from her trip to THE SACRED GROUND and 'spiritual' home of Doctor Who, Cardiff! (I'm Green with envy here )

My family think I'm very odd, especially getting around in white Converse high tops because Number Ten has them! I think I'm a Doctor Who geek!

- - - -

"The new guy's ok, but David will always be THE DOCTOR!!!!"

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Subject:  Re: great new meeting for Sci/Fi Fans

15/05/2009 05:12 GMT

Dont worry, you're not the only one, I bought myself a pair of Chilli Pepper red High Tops after seeing DT wearing them in Smith and Jones.


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Subject:  Re: great new meeting for Sci/Fi Fans

15/05/2009 11:39 GMT

What activities do people do @ the meetings?

- - - -

"The new guy's ok, but David will always be THE DOCTOR!!!!"

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 WWW  Male
Subject:  Re: great new meeting for Sci/Fi Fans

16/05/2009 02:26 GMT

Watch stuff, chat to people, occasional games (board or role playing). 

It all depends on who turns up and what people feel like doing.

Never settle with words when a flamethrower is so much more fun ...

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Subject:  Re: great new meeting for Sci/Fi Fans

18/05/2009 13:25 GMT

I went to last Saturday's meeting my first ever meeting, to meet new people and get excited about Doctor Who, and to tell the truth, it wasn't quite what I expected.

People were friendly and I was greeted well, but I felt disappointed, bored and out of place. (Although, last Sat afternoon may not have been a good indicator of what 'normally' happens.) I expected there to be some structure with a variety of exciting activities and discussions relating to Doctor Who and sci-fi but it was left to us to generate conversation which rarely touched on Doctor Who. As a guest, I felt it wasn’t my place to steer the conversation.

Some went into the other room to watch non Doctor Who /sci-fi DVDs while a group of us sat around a table trying to create conversation which I felt was often awkward. I also felt uncomfortable with some of the joking as it wasn't family friendly and full of innuendo which I personally found unpleasant and offensive, and it was embarrassing because there were also two children present.

I mean not to offend or upset anyone, I just wanted to offer an outsiders first impression and some possible constructive criticism.

I hope this post can be taken in the spirit it was intended. 

- - - -

"The new guy's ok, but David will always be THE DOCTOR!!!!"

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Subject:  Re: great new meeting for Sci/Fi Fans

20/05/2009 07:42 GMT

Yes, sorry that your first impressions of our meeting were not as you expected  .  But first impressions are usually tempered with the anxiety and stress of meeting new people.  We are also an old and dysfunctional family and set in our ways so feel free to come in and shake it up.

I know when I first showed up at the club I was terrified of a couple of the members but once I got to know them I discovered they were harmless.

Unfortunately we are in a lull of Dr Who vids and as the series picks up so too does our video watching in the other room, off Dr Who peak we will watch everything else.

I also forgot the games  - I have squiggles and another member has apples and apples, rather childish games but they are very funny anyway.

A couple of BIG Dr Who fans were not present at that meeting so we were rather flat discussion wise on the whovian universe - I myself don't have any strong feelings for Dr Who (other than the desire to set fire to the entire Tom Baker and Jon Pertwee eras) and my friend absolutely loathes Dr Who.

My advice is to come along to another meeting, bring a game, video to share (I'll try and remember to bring mine) and now that the anxiety of first meetings is over we can get down to the nitty gritty of discovering the best and worst of each other.  Perhaps we could plan for something you would like to do at the next meeting.


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Subject:  Re: great new meeting for Sci/Fi Fans

24/05/2009 03:52 GMT

Its true, meeting people for the first time can be awkward and stressful. I think I was expecting more structure and planned activities based on Doctor Who and sci-fi in general.

As a creative person, who likes being active and excited about Doctor Who (even in the off peak times... ),I wanted to get into some activity or interesting discussion.

Quick question - What time do the 'big' Doctor Who fans tend to get there?

Taneth, you invited me to come in and "shake things up"... (you're game)  I'm a guest and I don't want to step on anyone's toes but here's some suggestions I had to get people thinking.

Meetings @ Adelaide High

Some suggestions for activities could be...

-  Some intellectually based activites (eg discussions, board games or quizzes) Discussions could be started by an appointed person or persons prior to that meeting. That person makes sure that discussion doesn't go too far off topic and keeps things going. People take turns each meeting. Special show and tell talks presented by a chosen person eg.How to make your own TARDIS or How to write a fanfic etc

-  Some relaxing and casual activites in the other room(s), make your own fun (eg. watching Doctor Who and sci-fi DVDs, open conversation)

-  Other more active and physical activities (eg theatre games/icebreaking games,
    roleplaying.) Similar to activities done in theatrical groups to inspire creativity known as "Theatre Sports", like the TV show "Thank god you're here"

With a variety of sci-fi but mainly Doctor Who (not forgetting the modern Doctor Who series) based activities running in one room, with watching videos in another and a place for free conversation. All this while keeping things exciting and relevant and 'family friendly' (Avoiding things/subjects of a violent, contraversial or sexual nature)

Special Events

Occasional larger special events such as 'family friendly' costumed parties and quiz nights with prizes and merchandise stalls would be great fun too.

Meetings @ the pub

For those who prefer a non structured, more adult environment (not my thing).

- - - -

"The new guy's ok, but David will always be THE DOCTOR!!!!"
Last modified: 24/05/2009 03:58 GMT by Timetraveller

Posts: 309

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Subject:  Re: great new meeting for Sci/Fi Fans

25/05/2009 12:19 GMT

We used do those things years ago when Dr Who was on TV and we had 4 times the member numbers.
Things evolved to the way they are now due to the old school members left and no one was left who had the drive to keep that up as half the club organising and running it, and the other half doing it (when they showed up).
Even now 80% of those who show up are on the committee, sometimes more.
The only way to change it is to get more members and fresh faces on the committee.
Your welcome to join and run. That is best way to shake things up.
The present committee is quite happy for help and people to join.
The AGM is in June.
So join and vote.


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Subject:  Re: great new meeting for Sci/Fi Fans

23/08/2009 02:40 GMT

I vote and things still stayed the same.


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Subject:  Re: great new meeting for Sci/Fi Fans

12/08/2010 06:35 GMT

This forum really needs to be updated...

"I have killed thousands. I have killed proud young warriors and wise old rulers. I have killed mothers with babes in their arms. I have killed the just, the wicked, and the beautiful. I have done this for two thousand years in the service of His Divine Shadow and apparently the fun never stops!"

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 WWW  Male
Subject:  Re: great new meeting for Sci/Fi Fans

13/08/2010 11:54 GMT

The forum is fine, it's the content that needs updating.

Never settle with words when a flamethrower is so much more fun ...

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Subject:  Re: great new meeting for Sci/Fi Fans

18/08/2010 06:12 GMT

Hehe. Hoho. Yeah. I guess your right. It's the content that really needs updating.

Hopefully there are more people out there that have things that they would like to write... Heheh.

"I have killed thousands. I have killed proud young warriors and wise old rulers. I have killed mothers with babes in their arms. I have killed the just, the wicked, and the beautiful. I have done this for two thousand years in the service of His Divine Shadow and apparently the fun never stops!"

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