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Subject:  Re: DVD reviews

01/05/2008 02:06 GMT

DVD news just in from 'Dr Who Online':

2|entertain have just confirmed some more forthcoming Doctor Who DVD release datess to DWO.

16th June - K9 Tales (The Invisible Enemy / K9 & Company)

21st July - The Brain of Morbius

18th August - The Trial of a Time Lord

15th September - Four to Doomsday

** Dates are subject to change.

[Source: 2|entertain]


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Subject:  Re: DVD reviews

01/05/2008 03:33 GMT

Deary me - Four to Doomsday on the list  hey??

Surely there are worthier stories from the Pertwee and Baker era to be released ahead of this one????

2Entertian are very strange sometimes.


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Subject:  Re: DVD reviews

01/05/2008 07:33 GMT

It's called brand extension....if you release all the good stuff first, no one is gonna bother with the dross released at the end, but they might just buy it as a filler!


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Subject:  Re: DVD reviews

01/05/2008 09:34 GMT

I just don't understand 2Entertain's thinking sometimes.

If they must insist on releasing yet another Davison story - so soon after the Five Doctors redux and Black Orchid - surely they could have released something better?

Why not Snakedance, Kinda, Frontios, The Awakening or even Planet of Fire??

They are more deserving of a quicker release than Four to Doomsday surely?

I realise that the Davison stories are popular sellers....but there are better remaining stories to release than Four to Doomsday!!!!!!



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Subject:  Re: DVD reviews

02/05/2008 01:03 GMT

Bluey :

It's called brand extension....if you release all the good stuff first, no one is gonna bother with the dross released at the end, but they might just buy it as a filler!

This certainly is *very* strange logic because BBC Enterprises/Worldwide released all the 'classic' fan-favourite stories first on VHS before they started releasing the much less popular stories (e.g. "Four to Doomsday", "Horns of Nimon", "Creature from the Pit", etc.). The BBC were following the laws of demand and supply and were using appropriate marketing strategies in order to please fans and generate profit.

It's very funny how a government business enterprise has a lot more marketing acumen than an actual 'competitive' business from the free market system...this certainly flies in the face of all economic theory and business sense.
What on Earth are 2entertain thinking???!!!

Last modified: 02/05/2008 01:07 GMT by Jimmy


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Subject:  Re: DVD reviews

02/05/2008 05:23 GMT


DVD site Zeta Minor has given UK release dates for various classic-era stories later this year. According to its newly updated releases page, they are as follows:

K-9 Tales - box set comprising The Invisible Enemy and K-9 plus Sarah Jane Smith spin-off story K-9 And Company: June 16

The Brain of Morbius: July 21
The Trial of a Time Lord box set: August 18
Four To Doomsday: September 15
The War Machines: October 13
Battlefield: November 17

Soucre - Outpost Gallifrey

I'm definitely looking forward to "The War Machines" - finally a Hartnell classic is being released!!!


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Subject:  Re: DVD reviews

02/05/2008 08:42 GMT

Will be great to see The War Machines, one to look forward to.

I see Battlefield is after that...meaning the Season 26 McCoy season will have been released in its entirety.

This leaves the dire Season 24 and the remaining 3 eps of Season 25 to complete the McCoy run - something I'm sure fans will rejoice at - NOT !!!!!


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Subject:  Re: DVD reviews

02/05/2008 11:20 GMT

The War Machines VHS release was a masterpiece of recovery and restoration, we can only hope the features will reflect its interesting past.

It was patched together from censored episodes recovered in Nigeria, a copy of episode 2 from Australia, Australian Censor clips and off-air audio.

Last modified: 02/05/2008 13:08 GMT by Martin


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Subject:  Re: DVD reviews

03/05/2008 06:17 GMT

"The War Machines" is arguably one of Hartnell's best stories (I thought it was a bloody good story!) and marks the very beginning of 'serious' Dr Who due to the involvement of Dr Kit Peddler. By the way, it's funny how Dr Peddler is included in the production process of the show as a scientific adviser in 1966 and 'The Doctor' was to be a scientific adviser for UNIT only several years later - a bit of 'art parodying reality'.

I hope that all the stories behind its recovery and restoration will make for a good DVD extra(s).
I've got an article about the restoration processes used on the story from Doctor Who Magazine back when it was released on VHS in the 1990s; it was an excellent read though I doubt I understood even a quarter of all the technical jargon/processes that were discussed.

Last modified: 03/05/2008 06:20 GMT by Jimmy

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Subject:  Re: DVD reviews

10/05/2008 05:38 GMT

THE FIVE DOCTORS - 25th Anniversary Edition

As everyone knows 1983 saw the show celebrate its 20th anniversary.  Never one to let good opportunity pass, JNT ensured that year became a publicity bonanza.

Shown 2 days after the actual anniversary - much to some UK fans grief - The Five Doctors carved a place in Who lore.

The resulting show was a reasonable celebration of past glories - with some quotes becoming famous in their own right....'No, not the mind probe!' being one.

For what it was, it was entertaining and slotted in fairly well with continuity, albiet with some errors.

How did the Pertwee Doctor know he would turn into a guy with 'all teeth and curls'?

Why is there a virtual armada of Cybermen in the zone - surely more Daleks should have been there?

Peter Moffat's direction keeps things moving at a brisk pace, papering over any plot holes with ease. 

Troughton, Pertwee and Davison do a good job in slipping into their roles, as do the original companions.

Richard Hurndall as Hartnell's replacement whilst getting the 'cranky part' right, forgot to put in the warmth and strength of Hartnell's fine portrayal.

Personally I think this story had the disadvantage of being affected by Season 20.  That season pointlessly had every story with an element of the past - when in fact The Five Doctors was ample enough in giving fans some sense of history.

By having the nostalgia filled Season 20 and then The Five Doctors was total overkill and somewhat spoiled what was quite rightly something to celebrate.

Having heard what Robert Holmes had planned in his version, I think Terence Dicks' story was the better one.  Things needed to be simple and straight forward to please a general audience and I think he did a reasonable job under the circumstances.

Whilst it's sad that Tom Baker didn't take part - I think perhaps this worked in the story's favour - as it added a bit more danger to the Doctors survival by having the 4th Doctor trapped in the vortex.

For the dvd itself......once again 2entertain have done a sublime job presenting a disc light years ahead of the original release in 2001.

The picture and sound quality are fantastic, very crisp and bring the story to life.

The extras are great - the 'Celebration' doco is very interesting...although it seemed a bit odd having Colin Baker narrate it - surely someone who was actually in the story should have done it??

While not being a fan of watching studio recording clips, the one featured here is amusing - Pertwee dominating proceedings as usual!!  The out-takes are pretty good too.

'The Ties That Binds Us' is a neat little featurette exploring the many references to past stories in the special.  The other extras are well worth a look, with several interviews featuring Patrick Troughton in barking mad form!

For once I listened to an audio commentary.  The Peter Davison/Terence Dicks commentary is fun, giving some valuable titbits along the way.  This is the one found on the original American release back in 2001, but is still a good lsiten.

Having heard snippets of the 'companion commentary', Nick Courtney seemed to be the 'leader' of the group, gleefully dropping gossip about Pertwee, et al.

As for the 'extra special hidden feature'...(for those wanting to find it for themselves, turn away now)......is a 3rd audio commentary featuring 10th Doctor David Tennant and new series producer Phil Collinson.  This can be found on the first disc in the audio section.  Scroll down to the 'companion commentary' listing, press the right arrow on the remote and an easter egg appears.

This was a good listen with a very relaxed Tennant chatting things from a fans point of view.

Spread over 2 discs with Disc 1 featuring the original televised version, the dvd package should please any Fifth Doctor fan.

Having seen the 1983 and 1995 'new version', I think the 83 one wins out, as the new version pads things out with shots of corridors that aren't particularly interesting...and the special effects seem even more dated than the ones from 1983.

As an aside - Although the 'Celebration' doco mentions it, I think there should have been more comment made about the infamous Longleat event from Easter 1983.  Has anyone written an essay about the various problems etc?

The Five Doctors is an enjoyable romp and shouldn't be taken too seriously.  The dvd is great...even if the BBC have double dipped into fans pockets yet again!!!!


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Subject:  Re: DVD reviews

10/05/2008 22:03 GMT

axelf :

THE FIVE DOCTORS - 25th Anniversary Edition
How did the Pertwee Doctor know he would turn into a guy with 'all teeth and curls'?
Even in the the Three Doctors, the Trougton's Doctor knew who the Pertwee's Doctor was straight away as the share a common pyshic link as the same timelord.

Why is there a virtual armada of Cybermen in the zone - surely more Daleks should have been there?
They wanted as many regular baddies as they could fit. Wasn't the Cybermen the most common baddie during the Davison era (compared to the Daleks)?



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Subject:  Re: DVD reviews

11/05/2008 00:06 GMT

If The Daleks were in the Zone then the zone would have to have been all smooth surfaces so they could not have done that so the second choice would have been the Cybermen. I would like to hae seen both the original and the Mark 2's.


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Subject:  Re: DVD reviews

11/05/2008 00:07 GMT

Did I see on the 5 Doctors DVD that there is a interview or something were all five Doctor come together. I think it says the only time all the Doctors are together.


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Subject:  Re: DVD reviews

11/05/2008 00:29 GMT

Thanks for the comments Bnsmith - it does get a tad confusing with the many Who tales to keep up!

The only interview with multiple Doctors on the dvd is one on a 'Nationwide' feature where Troughton, Pertwee and Davison were all together.

Though you do see quite a few of them in some convention footage throughout however.

I'm still waiting for a tell all book about the Longleat event too......


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Subject:  Re: DVD reviews

12/05/2008 08:41 GMT

The daleks and the cybermen both has on story each Earthshock and Resurrection of the Daleks. maybe its the old Nation estate reason they always drag out when they have preblems with the daleks.


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Subject:  Re: DVD reviews

12/05/2008 08:43 GMT

they also did not have a sontarain or sea devils. I think if they tryed to bring to many monsters back it would have gotten more confusing.


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Subject:  Re: DVD reviews

12/05/2008 10:27 GMT

Well the special had a Dalek, Cybermen, The Master, The Yeti and the Raston Warrior robot.

Would have loved to have seen the Autons as Terence Dicks originally planned to have.

But I guess you can only cram in so much in 90 mins.......


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Subject:  Re: DVD reviews

12/05/2008 10:38 GMT

Do you think they should have dobe something like the 3 Doctor an have a multi episode story so they could make it a real spectacular. I think for the next big anniversery special they should do a companin only story, get as many of the old companions back to try and save the doctor.


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Subject:  Re: DVD reviews

04/06/2008 04:24 GMT

Just saw these two upcoming release and thought one looked cool the other a maybe.

Doctor Who - Bred For War: The Sontaran Collection and Doctor Who - K9 Tales they are being released on the 7th August and 4th September. But with thee Sontaran box set, they are releasing Invasion of time just a Month Earliers can anyone tell me why.



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Subject:  Re: DVD reviews

06/06/2008 05:13 GMT

2entertain's release schedule is just as bloody frustrating as the time it takes for them to release titles in Australia. 'K9 Tales' is released this month in the UK, but we don't get it here until Septemeber. Go figure!!!

In fact, I ask the same question as Jestear: What is the f***ing logic behind us being 2-3 months behind the UK release schedule??????


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