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Subject:  Meeting 20 November 2010

20/11/2010 13:50 GMT

Today's meeting was most excellent, from a very foreboding start. Works at Adelaide High School (yes, we meet at a high school!) meant we'd lost our regular rooms; a large biology laboratory complete with gas taps and other paraphernalia, and a lecture hall with a projector and screen, for the teaching of psychology. We've lost rooms before and even the entire site once, as they were either taking out asbestos or putting some in. Or both.

This time we were offered most of an entire wing (!) of the school, geology/astronomy lab room 10, and class rooms 12 and 13 complete with tvs/VHS/DVDs. Which was good. We enjoyed Peter's model of K-9, and I say model despite it being 1:1 scale. Ditto Jamie and Mark were surprised to have a birthday party complete with balloons and cake, lucky them! Once again we were graced with students from Evanston Park Primary, and everyone got SFSA # 27s plus Wall of Lies # 127s. We also enjoyed recent reciprocal publications Sonic Screwdriver # 128/129 (DWCV), Data Extract # 108 (DWCA) and Probe # 145 (SF South Africa).

We enjoyed games Pandemic and Revolution, and a brief news piece on David Butler's restoration of Delia Derbyshire's recordings. Topics discussed were the good old days of IT when modems were rated in BPS and Telnet was the librarian's network of choice. Plus theology, philosophy of religion and what the Tea Party stands for. And Stephen J Lord's book's positive review in today's Advertiser.

And I hope your Saturday was half as good as ours!


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Subject:  Re: Meeting 20 November 2010

26/11/2010 00:35 GMT

The meeting was indeed most excellent. Although we only had small rooms we has a huge crowd. It was awesome to have Peter visit us with his K-9 robot. Melany and myself were both very pleased to have Katrina visit the club for the first time.

It was interesting explaining to Katrina why I liked this club so much and why it was so very different from the star trek club. I doubt the atmosphere at the star trek club would ever be so relaxed and friendly. Celebrating Jamie and Marks birthdays brings a warmth to the club that is very comforting.

Having my first article in print in the club magazine makes me feel as though I am really part of the group now. I know I have not been a member very long, but everyone has been so welcoming and excepting. I look forward to sharing many more future meetings with SFSA.

"I have killed thousands. I have killed proud young warriors and wise old rulers. I have killed mothers with babes in their arms. I have killed the just, the wicked, and the beautiful. I have done this for two thousand years in the service of His Divine Shadow and apparently the fun never stops!"

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