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Subject:  Question Mark

27/01/2006 11:45 GMT

Am i the only person who really hates it how the doctor was branded with question marks on his clothes after Tom Baker. McCoy even had a stupid question mark handle to his umbrella. To me it just seems to suggest that he knows that people outside the reality of the program refer to him as "doctro who" rather than " the doctor"



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Subject:  Re: Question Mark

27/01/2006 11:49 GMT

No, you're not the only person who hates the question marks logo of Mc Coy. The best image of the Doctor was Pertwee and Tom Baker. Colin Baker's outfit was insane (the worst taste ever) and Mc Coy's was clown - like, just like how he played The Doctor (except he was a 'naughty' clown - had a dark side).

I don't know about people outside the show knowing the Doctor as Doctor Who - I think that's because I only talk about it with people who do no the show (don't want to completely embarss myself )


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Subject:  Re: Question Mark

27/01/2006 12:01 GMT

No well, when talking to other fans it is of course 'the doctor'.

In one of Hartnell's stories, i think it might be the "War Machines", people actually call him "doctor who" to his face. That is of course unless i imagined it.



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Subject:  Re: Question Mark

27/01/2006 12:17 GMT

No that's not your imagination.

WOTAN, the self conscious computer refers to Hartnell as Doctor Who.......and that story was co - written by a scientist (Bioengineer, Dr Kit Pedler).

"The War Machines was one of my favourite Hartnell stories. And I like Polly and Ben (especailly Polly's legs;)). It's a terrible shame that all of Ben and Polly's other stories do not exist in their complete form. Bloody BBC!!!!!


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Subject:  Re: Question Mark

27/01/2006 12:32 GMT

Yeah it sure is a shame that all those episodes that no doubt had some fabulous moments of Polly looking hot are gone. Alas! But  at least we have Tegan's legs, Peri's chest and face, and Sarah Jane Smith's all round cuteness.



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Subject:  Re: Question Mark

27/01/2006 12:49 GMT

Again, I agree with you, but not about Tegan. There was absolutely nothing likable about her (in my opinion).

My favourite companion (for looks) as Mary Tamm - now she really was delectable!!!!

The first season of Troughton would have been fantastic to see (and the second). I think stories like "Power of the Daleks", "Evil of the Daleks", "The Moonbase", "The Faceless Ones", "The Web of Fear" and "Fury From the Deep" would be regarded as classics, regardless of the cult name they have because they're 'missing stories'. From what I've read of them in Dr Who Magazine, they sound really cool!


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Subject:  Re: Question Mark

27/01/2006 12:58 GMT

She was very pretty, but i think because i find her character a little frigid and boring she isn't on the top of my list. She lacked a 'Je na sais pa'.



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Subject:  Re: Question Mark

27/01/2006 13:04 GMT

A what???

Ms Tamm had statuesque beauty and an alluring gaze.

Anneke Wills had the best legs in the show.

Nicola Bryant the best chest.

Deborah Watling was the 'cutest'

And Loise Jameson was the most seductive.

Apologies to all female fans of the show!!!!

And now for something completely different....what do you think of Troughton's interpretation of The Doctor?


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Subject:  Re: Question Mark

27/01/2006 14:07 GMT

"Je ne sais pa", i don't know how it is spelt- means that certain something you can't put your finger on.

Troughton was not as good as Hartnell or Tom Baker but better than Pertwee. Davison i find to be a little boring. The problem I have with Eccleston is you can see him acting. Tom Baker and Hartnell were the doctor.


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Subject:  Re: Question Mark

28/01/2006 06:46 GMT

I've always considered season 4 to be very uneven, it's got the highest number of one off script writers. You get someone who's written for the show before, script edied the show, hen next you've got someone who hasn't written for show before or since.

I don't thingk these guys quite got the idea...



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Subject:  Re: Question Mark

28/01/2006 18:54 GMT

I'd just like to see Season 4!!!! and I think "Power of the Daleks", "The Moonbase" and "The Faceless Ones" would still be classics. From the episodes we do have, and from the telesnaps, you can tell those three are good.........it's just a travesty how the BBC treated the series with such disregard.

Though I can recall you rationally explaining why the BBC chose to junk certain stories and keep others, Martin. Something to do with examples of film sizes was one of the reasons you gave, if I remember correctly.


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Subject:  Re: Question Mark

29/01/2006 04:12 GMT

MMMMMm no.

They did keep certain things as examples, for instance Enemy of the World episode 3 was sent to the Film and TV library as an example of 625 line PAL format (the previous format had been 405 lines). However doubt has been cast upon the accuracy of this decision, as episode 2 may have also been shot in the new format! Three Troughtons were sent to the British Film Institute.

The black and whites were made on videotape (with a few exceptions) as live performances, sent to the engineering department who would play them over a TV set with a film camera recording them (kinoscope or telerecording), then the tape wiped for the next production. However many prints were needed were struck off the negative, which itself would end up being stacked in a corridor or shoved down the back of a vertical file. BBC Enterprises would send off the film prints, our local office being in Sydney. The BBC only got serious about preserving these in 1978 when they appointed Sue Malden Archive Selector. She found film and negatives all over, a limited number of them having been sent to the Film and TV Library.

There never was any rational reason to junk, it was just neglect and nuisance. There was tell of a fire inspection which saw the problem "dealt with". Who knew? No one admits to knowingly destroying the last copies of anything.



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Subject:  Re: Question Mark

29/01/2006 05:38 GMT

Martin, you are South Australia's answer to Ian Levine!!!


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Subject:  Re: Question Mark

29/01/2006 06:45 GMT

Ian Levine deals with physical material and networks with people as much as anything.

In my opinion this makes him more of an archeologist. I prefer my history to be textual in source.

I collect ideas, not missing episodes!



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Subject:  Re: Question Mark

29/01/2006 06:52 GMT

That may be so, but he does give a clever anlaysis of the intertextual references within "Logopolis" for "The Unfolding Text".


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Subject:  Re: Question Mark

29/01/2006 07:07 GMT

The Doctor would look silly with an exclamation point on his umbrella. and do not forget thet who is a question.


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Subject:  Re: Question Mark

30/01/2006 05:44 GMT

The doctor looks damn silly with a question mark at the end of his umbrella! He doen't need anything. Just a handle.

I know who is a question but in the show he is not celled 'doctor who' he is simply the doctor. It would be like seeing one of those 'cleanest street ' signs on Ramsay Street in Neighbours, but instead of saying "Cleanest Street 1994" it would say "Australia's Favourite Soap".


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