The Stranger comprised two series of six episodes apiece, playing weekly from 26 April 1964 and then weekly from 20 June 1965.Both series repeated 25 November 1966 -- 10 February 1967, in NSW and Victoria.Repeated Fridays 18.00 from 11 February 1972 in NSW.Undated clips played in a story on UFOs, This Day Tonight, possibly 9 November 1967?Excerpted in The Way We Were in 2004.Long segments played in 5 November 2006The ABC of Our Lives: 50 Years of Television. NZ, via Jon Preddle.It was shown in NZ, a bit before my time though! Shown in Nigeria in 1967.UK screenings, via David BruntFirst 6 ep at the start of 1965. Second early 1966. Then all 12 the following Autumn.On BBC1.